しかし彼らは、自信を持ってこう言います。「“オーガニックライフ”? それは自分らしく生きることさ」。そして、自分の理想の生き方や環境のこと、仕事について、家族について、思い思いに話を聞かせてくれるのです。ごく自然に、風邪を引けばジンジャーのハーブティーを飲み、怪我をすれば傷口にハチミツを塗り、医療行為として精油を内服することも。そしてまた、ごく自然に、家族との時間を大切にし、好きな仕事をし、自然の美しさを愛で、深呼吸をする。それが彼らにとっての“オーガニックライフ”であり、またそれぞれにとっての“オーガニックライフ”とは、彼ら自身の生き方や考え方そのものなのです。コスメに関して、彼らがトレンドを持たないのも、そういった考え方に理由があります。彼らは自分をよく知っているので、自分に本当に合うものも知っていて、新しい知識と情報も、自分の基準に従って選んでいます。それが彼ら1人1人の、独自のスタイルになっているのです。

In Europe, living an organic lifestyle is as ordinary as drinking mineral water and breathing fresh air. Medical technologies and food industries have been improving rapidly that medicines are low-priced and foods are efficiently mass-produced in the majority world today. However, many of the Europeans have kept their own styles and did not yield. They knew from their traditions that living naturally is the most respectful act for a human body.

We all know the word 'organic' as it is one of a trend that is spreading throughout the world, but do you know clearly what your 'organic lifestyle' is? "My Organic lifestyle? It's about living my style." The Europeans are always ready with an answer. Drinking ginger herb tea instead of taking pills, applying bee honey on wounds, and taking organic oils as a daily meditation; these are just natural methods in an organic lifestyle. Side by side, each person's lifestyle shows his attitude towards life and the way of thinking such as cherishing time with family, having passion in work, loving the beauty of nature, and taking time for a deep breath. Not having trends for the cosmetics is the style they follow likewise. They know about themselves well; what matches well and what does not, so the selection is made together with the new information with the bases from their own background knowledge and experiences.

“Sustainable” is another word that can be seen frequently in this book. It is one of the most important keywords that will be affecting the numerous factors that are surrounding our lives. Manufacturing natural products is sustainable if we stay careful enough about ecology and process. Scheming is always essential in supplying limited source sustainably. It is a matter that we need to deal with as the populations keep on growing. One solution for this is that we are in an era that the consumers consider about sustainability together with the marketers. It is for the all of us to question before purchasing anything; what kind of material is the company using? Where is it coming from? How is the company interested in sustainable manufacturing? Our consumption is not just about ‘buying’, but a proposition towards the company. Cosme Kitchen strives to make things that a lot of the Europeans do naturally become natural for the Japanese as well. We wish that each one of us would live with an answer to the previous question; “What is an organic lifestyle to you?” It can be your philosophy to bear in mind about ecology when you purchase something, or choosing only organic products for what you directly absorb, as for your lip balm in your bag, the toners you moisture your skin, and anything you put in your mouth.

There are so many things that you will notice, once you start your organic lifestyle. It can be your feelings uplifting, your body feeling lighter than ever, or just the sympathy towards the brilliance of the beautiful nature around you and your precious family and friends.