Martina Gebhardt Martina Gebhardt
Founder / CEO

マルティナ・ゲブハルト 『マルティナ・ゲブハルト』
創設者 / 最高経営責任者



History of martina

History: Traumatic events often set the stage for unexpected, positive outcomes. "At the tender age of three, the neighbour’s German Shepherd bit me in my left cheek. At 16 this scar was still visible. My former family doctor suggested a pasty cream based on wool wax (lanolin) and medicinal herbs. I applied this paste regularly on my left cheek. Over time not only the scar faded but also the acne spots on the left side of my face. I was convinced of its efficacy and I began experimenting with making creams myself. After this success I started to look for old recipes and natural ingredients. The mini production that met my own needs was soon expanded thanks to the high demand of my friends. Today the companies employ about 50 people".



The healing power of bio-dynamic herbs

In the old days farmers used the influence of the sun and the moon phases to increase the healing power of medicinal plants. This is part of bio-dynamic farming. Today the whole product range is certified by Demeter for bio-dynamic formulation and facilities.
Martina’s intention is to formulate organic skin care products, which help the skin to heal itself, to find its balance, naturally and holistically.


2014年、ドイツで最も古くもっとも美しい修道院の一つKloster Wessobrunn(ベッソブリュン修道院)を購入したマルティナ社。現在ここには、営業部と物流部があり、定期的にワークショップを行ったり、国際交流を行う地域の場所としても使用されている。この修道院は、バイエルン州のアルプス山脈に近い場所にあり、50,000㎡以上ある敷地には、薬草園があり小川も流れている。このように美しく歴史的な自然環境の中で、会社を成長させるための充分すぎるほど広大な場所を見出せたことに、建築学を学んだ建築家としてもマルティナ自身、大きな喜びを感じているという。
ここでは、私たちの理念でもある“私たちのルーツ(歴史)と私たちの周りにあるすべての物(植物、動物、人間)を尊重し、神の創造物に対して謙虚さと感謝の念を持つ”ということを実践することができます。ネイティブアメリカンインディアンは、これを“Walking in beauty=美の中を歩みゆく”と表現しています。これこそが、私たちのモットーでもあるのです」。

Living in beauty

In the year 2014, Martina bought one of the oldest and the most beautiful monasteries of Germany: Kloster Wessobrunn. Now it hosts the sales and shipping department of our company as well as hosting regular workshops or using it as an international exchange community place.
The abbey compound is more than 50’000 sqm and with a medicinal garden and a creek, located in Bavaria, close to the Alps. Here, Martina Gebhardt, being an architect by education, is happy to have found a big enough space so the company can grow in such a beautiful, historic and natural environment.
“Here we can share our philosophy by being an example: Being respectful to our roots (the history) and all beings around us (plants, animals and humans) as well as being humble and grateful for God’s creations. The Native American Indians are calling this: ‘walking in beauty’. This is our motto!“