Susan Griffin-Black Co-founder of EO products
Mill Valley, California

スーザン・グリフィン・ブラック EO products 共同創設者

Organic products are imperfect.
Appreciating such imperfection is the true meaning of "Organic Life".

不完全さも含めて、あるがままの自然な状態すべてを敬うことが『ORGANIC LIFE』なのではないかしら。

「楽しいことをやっていると、時間なんてあっという間ね。」そう話すのは、来年創立20周年を迎えるアロマ&ボディケアブランド<EO products>創設者のひとり、スーザン。彼女はもともと服飾デザイナーとして、天然素材の活用や環境によいファッションの追究をしていた。あるとき、イギリスで訪れたナチュラルアポセカリー(自然薬局店)でアロマテラピーと出会う。「天然植物の力で心身を癒すアロマテラピーの世界に夢中になったわ。早速アメリカに戻ってイギリスのエッセンシャルオイルを輸入し始めた。でも、勉強や経験を重ねていくうちに、イギリスとアメリカのマーケットニーズの違いに気付いたの。だから1995年に自分たちでブランドを立ち上げたのよ。」設立当時を彼女はこう振り返る。「オーガニック商材がちょうど市場に出始めたころで、他社はこぞってボタニカルなデザインを打ち出していたの。私たちはその真逆。クリーンでモダンな書体やデザイン表現を採用した。それが広く受け入れられ、現在でも同じコンセプトを踏襲しているわ。」

"Time really flies when you are on to something fun",
says Susan, the co-founder of EO products, an aroma & body care brand which marks the 20th year anniversary of founding next year. As a fashion designer, she was always conscious about using natural fiber and creating eco-friendly fashion.
And, in the stream of such career, she met aromatherapy at a natural apothecary in Britain.
"I was fascinated by the idea of aromatherapy that heals body with the power of natural plants. I eagerly came back to the States and started importing essential oils from Britain. Through studying about aroma and gaining experience, I realized the difference in demands of the American and British market, and that is when I decided to establish our own brand in 1995." She looks back on the organic market back then and comments, "the market was still new, and most of the products were sending out botanical images. I took the opposite side and sent out a clean and modern concept.
The market widely accepted it, and we still go by the same principle today."

「オーガニックなものはコントロールが利かない。当然、不完全さはつきものよ。それも含めたあるがままの自然さを敬うことが『ORGANIC LIFE』なのではないかしら。どこか日本の『侘び寂び』に通じる考えかたよね。」


"Organic products are imperfect. I believe appreciating such imperfection is the true meaning of "Organic Life". The idea is somewhat similar to Japanese "wabi-sabi", because it too pays respect to simplicity."

""Collaboration" is a great form of business that grew big in our era. Despite the type of industry or category of products, mixing various sets of values has become a world standard. Along with the diversification of people's lifestyles, I think collaboration will further blossom in the future." Regarding her stress relief method in living a busy life, she comments, "stress? Oh I don't have any! I manufacture wonderful shampoos through wonderful process to make a wonderful difference in the world. I do experience failures or regrets in the course of such process, but I try not to forget what we are truly trying to accomplish."