Dennis Sherreitt Sales director at Sunfood
Carlsbad, California

デニス・シェリット Sunfoodセールスディレクター

You have to be sensitive about what your body wants.
Today, people tend to take in too much unnecessary.
If they keep doing so, the body simply starts demanding what it doesn't need.



In the stream of the worldwide health trend, superfoods have widely spread the identity in the wink of an eye, and Sunfood is the leading company of such food in California. Dennis, a 61year-old sales director at Sunfood, is a typical Southern Californian boy who goes surfing and does BBQ on weekends. “I was always in the food industry after graduation from University, but I took the job at Sunfood 3 years ago. To tell the truth, I wasn't really familiar with superfoods up until then. ” Speaking with the tone of honesty, he mentions about learning from experience instead of studying. “From my experience in the industry, I knew I had to actually try the food if I wanted to really understand it. I have been drinking superfood smoothie everyday since my second day on the job. You can see what good it's doing to me. I am healthy as a horse at the age of 61, and not for once have I felt sick in the past 3 years.”

「『ORGANIC LIFE』はとても大きな括りの言葉だから、いろんなことを思い浮かべるね。自分のルーツとか、自分がこれまで生きてきた歴史とか、家族と過ごす時間とか・・・・・・。なんだか細かい話になるけど、8年前から始めたリサイクル貯金で、趣味であるウォータースキーの燃料費を捻出していることとかね。もちろん、スーパーフードをはじめとする素晴らしいオーガニック食材を、人々とシェアすることも当てはまるかな。あとはなんといっても、いつも自然体で、あるがままにいること。身体の健康と心の健康はリンクしているんだ。自分の身体が欲しているものに敏感になることだね。現代人は必要ないものも多く取り入れがちだからね。」


“I think about many things when I hear the phrase“Organic Life”, because it holds such a vast meaning. For instance, I think about my roots, where I have been the past 61 years, my faith, and the time with my family. In details, it would include the recycle savings I've started 8 years ago to pay for the fuel cost of my boat for waterski. Sharing magnificent organic superfood with people is included as well, and living naturally and honestly too are a part of “Organic Life”. You have to be keen about what your body wants because the health of body and mind are connected. Modern people tend to take in too much un necessary.”

“A man can live on superfood smoothies and burritos. It is important to keep a good balance between what you want to eat and what your body desires. If you live in California, chips and salsa should definitely be on that list as well. ”