Rose-Marie Swift Founder of rms beauty / Make-up artist
New York, New York

ローズ・マリー スウィフト rms beauty創設者/メイクアップアーティスト

“Organic Life” means being CLEAN, HEALTHY, and SMART!


現在も業界の第一線で活躍するメイクアップアーティストのローズマリーは、自身が多くのセレブリティやトップモデルから支持される理由を「メイクアップだけでなく、その先にあるライフスタイルの 提案力」だと分析する。事実、彼女はモデルたちの肌にのせるものだけでなく、彼女たちが食べるものや、頭の中に入れておくべき知識など、内面的なディレクションも行う。「いつの間にか化粧をする人から、美容ドクターみたいになっていたの。」

ローズマリーがナチュラルコスメブランド<rms beauty>を立ち上げるきっかけとなったのは、自身が体調を崩したことだったという。「体調を崩して病院に行ったら『あなた、美容業界で働いていますね?』と言われてびっくり。そこではじめて自分のいる業界に多くの危険な化学物質が出回っていることを知り、驚いたと同時に、無知であることがいかに危ないか思い知ったわ。」その後彼女は、化粧品の原料から化学式、化学合成成分の危険性などを徹底的に勉強しなおし、ブランドを立ち上げた。

「『ORGANIC LIFE』とはCLEAN、HEALTHY、そして SMARTであること!美容業界だけでなく、すべての業界に言えることだけれど、正しい知識と健全な思考をもつことが、これからの時代を生き抜くためには不可欠だと思う。」

Rose-Marie is a make-up artist who is active in the front lines of the cosmetic industry, and she analyzes the reason behind her popularity among many celebrities and top models to be “the promotion of lifestyle in addition to the actual make-up”. In fact, not only does she give superficial advice, such as what to use on the faces of fashion models, but also more profound advises, such as what they should eat and what knowledge they should have.
“Nowadays, I find myself acting more like a doctor. ”

The trigger behind the foundation of her cosmetic brand, rms beauty, was the deterioration of her health condition. “I went to the doctors and they asked me, “do you work in the cosmetic industry? ” I was speechless to find out that the industry is filled with known hazardous chemicals that can have long term effect on one's health, and at that moment I realized how dangerous being unaware of daily exposure could mean to these ingredients. ” After experiencing such a breakdown, she once again thorughly started studying about ingredients and formula of cosmetic products, and about the danger of chemicals.

“I think “Organic Life” means being CLEAN, HEALTHY, and SMART! and that idea should be the same in all industries. Having the right knowledge and healthy mind is essential to the age to come. ”

「『ORGANIC 』や『SUSTAINABLE』という考えかたが浸透してきているけれど、そのアプローチやスピードは人それぞれ。私も<rms beauty>創立当初は『とにかくオーガニックであるべき!』と決めつけ、主張し続けていた。でも今は、生活への取り入れ方やその速度は、人によって色々であることを理解している。自分たちのペースを保ちながら、着実に学ぶことが大切ね。」


With the introduction of healthier and smarter options, she has been catching changes in the industry over the past few years. “Because the word organic and sustainable became more familiar to everyone, the speed of introducing or taking an approach toward such products should be different among people. When I first started my company, I unilaterally insisted everyone to be organic, but now I think people should go with their own speed. It is important that they always keep studying though. ”

Living in such busy schedule day by day, Rose-Marie has 3 stress relief methods. “The first one is my dog. She heals me the best! The second one is watching the ocean. And the third one is crying without holding it back. The easiest way to cleanse and detoxify the mind filled with concerns and stress is simply to rinse them off with tears.”